dapentrydynamic visualisations

Cheat SheetDesigner

Data Driven Visualisations without Coding

Draw visualisations that change with data without the need to code. dapentry is still very alpha but in a state where it is usable. Documentation is in the works.

To get started there are two simple tutorials to show you the basics of what's possible right now

There is also a cheat sheet for an overview of the features.

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Drawings can be exported as a JavaScript. The export contains all you need, no further dependencies are required. Exported drawings support the data driven aspects. They provide a function you pass the data.

With this the drawing can easily be used on your own website:

This example above will render a static image, but now it is easy to add interactivity for the user:

You can change the values
Try it here

Credit to Bret Victor

dapentry is based on the ideas in Bret Victor's talk "Drawing Dynamic Visualizations" and the accompanying talk notes. Right now, not all ideas are implemented.

What's with the name?

"dapentry" is an artificial word based on two terms from the language Esperanto

In my head I pronounce it [ˈdeɪpəntriː] like in day (o)pen tree with emphasis on the first syllable.